We have spoken to Helen twice this week - once to give us a new satelite telephone number, as messages were not getting through as they had run out of minutes. So if any family or friend's would like to send her a sat message please go to www.iridium.com, go to send a satelite message and fill in the details - you will need the number 881631522893. It's that simple and it is free. So please, continue to send her messages of support as we know she does look for them.
The second call was on my birthday, the crew of Audeamus sang "Happy Birthday" to me, there are not many people (if any) who can say that they have been sung to by 8 people in a rowing boat on the Indian Ocean from a position almost exactly half way between Australia and Mauritius. That is something I will always remember and it made my day.
So just under 1500nm to go!!!!
Helen would like to wish all Teddy Hall crews the best of luck for the Oxford Summer Eights, which is this week and she said "Go Girls" and retain the headship - she will be thinking of you and will phone us on Sunday for the results.
She is still upbeat and pleased with their position. She has the rowers "claw hands" and a sore backside but apart from that she sounds fine.
Please send her your support