Sunday 24 May 2009


The crew have suffered some very bad weather this past week. With 30 knot winds and 6 metre waves!! The whole fleet was stalled all having to deploy the para anchor's. These anchor's helps to keep the bow facing to the weather and to help stop the boat rocking so much. All the boats survived although one of the doubles did capsize. Although they were upside down for 7 minutes the boat was eventually righted. 
They are all on the way again, Audeamus have really put the power on with 81 nautical miles completed yesterday. 
We spoke to Helen this morning and she seems in good spirits, she said she is suffering with claw hands and it takes her about 10 minutes every morning to get her hands straight (her bum is sore as well) 
As of tonight they are closing down on the 3 boats in front and they are only 21nm and 32nm behind Pura Vida and RFP respectively. The gap between them and Bexhill is now down to 177nm and hopefully they will catch them within the next week or so. 
We will keep you informed and don't forget Helen still would like messages of support for her and the crew. These are invaluable to the morale on board. 
Please visit to donate to Helen's chose charity Scope. Or if you wish to donate directly to Helen e-mail for further details.

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